1999 Moraga White
Winemaker’s Tasting Notes 

The vintage of 1999 was exceptional in the timing of all of the events that we view as mileposts in the seasonal cycles of the vineyard.  The vines awakened from their dormancy in the last week of March, starting the entire cycle of vine growth, veraison, and fruit ripening a bit later than most years. The cool summer amplified the trend, resulting in a lengthy ripening period.  The Sauvignon Blanc was picked on September 20thand 30th, the latest harvest on record for Moraga’s white grapes.

The resulting wine is distinctive in its complexity and singular in its intensity.  The degree of complexity and dynamic nature of the aroma prove a challenge to dissecting the individual components.  Hints of anise, vanilla, clove spice, and pineapple come forth; a little time and air allows the aroma to shift into the realm of mineral, smoke, and flowery lemon verbena.  The almost oily texture is the perfect foil for the clean acidity, reminiscent of the best Sancerre.  Notes of peach, lemon, gooseberry, and mineral play delightfully on the palate. This wine is prototypical Sauvignon Blanc of a most serious nature.

Everyone who has had a hand in the production of this wine is deservingly proud, from the crews that lovingly tend vine and wine, to Tom Jones, who had the vision to make Moraga a reality.  Words can’t rightfully convey the excitement that Moraga 1999 White Table Wine sparks in us.  The only path to understanding is in the glass.

Scott Rich, Winemaker
Tony Soter, Consultant