2002 Moraga White
Winemaker’s Tasting Notes 

The climate during the 2002 growing season epitomized one of the primary reasons for the unusual consistency of Moraga’s wines – the weather was absolutely unremarkable!  One day slid seamlessly into the next with even temperatures moderated by the cool ocean of nearby Santa Monica Bay.  Absent the spikes in temperature that often characterize less buffered climates, we patiently waited as flavors developed at a leisurely pace. The first week of September, we began the first of three pickings that were commenced to coincide the optimum flavor profile for each of our seven small blocks of Sauvignon Blanc.

Alluringly exotic aromas of pineapple, grapefruit, lemongrass, kiwi and nectarine furnish a glimpse of the flavors offered on the palate. The bright, full flavors are supported by a round, silky texture and a backbone of crisp acidity that carries the fruit to a long, persistent finish.  As is the case with past vintages of Moraga White Wine this offering is a standout among Sauvignon Blancs because of its superlative structure.

We count our blessings when we think of our association with this special vineyard.  The combination of unique soils and a distinctly maritime climate influenced by the Pacific Ocean which is within view from the top of the vineyard, have permitted the creation of exceptional wines that cannot be replicated. We hope that you enjoy our 2002 Moraga White Wine with the same passion that went into its creation.

Tom Jones, Proprietor
Scott Rich, Winemaker
Carlos Contreras, Vineyard Manager