Ernest Hemingway Quote: “Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the Romance of the unusual.” The unusual can be of great interest, especially in a sea of conformity. Today's review revolves around a winery in Bel Air, yes, that Bel Air of Fresh Prince...
Moraga Bel Air Announces New Online Shopping on Their Updated Website and the Release of Their Current Red and White Wines
Moraga Bel Air vineyards and winery launches for the first time an e-commerce option to purchase their wines and join the elite wine club which also coincides with their new wine releases; the 2016 Moraga White ($115) and 2014 Moraga Red ($175). Moraga Bel Air is located in the...
BONFORTS: Moraga Bel Air’s Scott Rich Doesn’t Aim To Please
Natasha Swords, Editor in Chief, and Bonnie Graves, Wine Editor take an enviable tour though Moraga Bel Air with Winemaker, Scott Rich. By Natasha Swords Scott Rich is as approachable a winemaker as they come. Despite the continued success of Moraga Bel Air, the positive reviews, the unwavering quality, and...
The Guardian: Chateau Murdoch: Fox media mogul finds solace at his Bel-Air winery
The 3.2-hectare (8-acre) property resembles rural Tuscany but nestles amid the mega-mansions of Bel-Air, the plutocratic neighbourhood in the Santa Monica mountains just west of Los Angeles. Here, amid steeps slopes lined with vines, the 86-year-old media mogul has discovered a passion for making wine. The estate’s winemaker, Scott Rich,...
VENTURA BLVD: Rupert Murdoch’s Moraga Estate & Vineyards
The vineyard may be in the middle of a residential neighborhood and a mile or so from the 405, but from the moment you clear the gate, you feel as if you are exploring the terroir of Tuscany in Italy or the Rhône Valley in France. “Sometimes I want to...